Elderly Woman Scammed Out of Jewelry and Cash in Roosevelt

Police Siren

A 76-year-old woman in Roosevelt fell victim to a heartless scam on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, losing both jewelry and cash in a deceptive ploy orchestrated by two unknown individuals.

The incident began when the woman was approached by a man offering to help carry her groceries as she walked along Nassau Road near Debevoise Avenue. After assisting her to her home, the man claimed he possessed a winning lottery ticket but could not claim the winnings himself. Eager to help, the victim agreed to cash the ticket on his behalf but was told she needed to provide collateral. The woman handed over various jewelry items, but the man insisted it wasn’t sufficient and convinced her to withdraw $2,000 from her bank account.

An unknown female accomplice, driving a white four-door sedan, then arrived at the victim’s residence. She transported both the victim and the male suspect to the Bethpage Federal Credit Union at 405 Nassau Road, where the elderly woman made the withdrawal. It was only after she returned home that she realized she had been scammed and contacted the police.

The male suspect is described as approximately 40 years old, 5’9” tall, with a medium build, wearing a blue shirt, a black baseball hat, and glasses. There is no detailed description of the female driver at this time.

The Nassau County Police Department is urging the community to remain vigilant and to remind vulnerable family members, friends, and neighbors about potential scams and frauds.

Anyone with information about this incident is requested to contact Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-TIPS or call 911. All callers will remain anonymous as the investigation continues.