Sound Beach Woman Jailed for Filing Forged Court Orders

Eleanor Blakley-Whaley, a 61-year-old resident of Sound Beach, has been sentenced to one year in jail for filing forged judicial orders to avoid eviction from her home. Blakley-Whaley, who pleaded guilty to Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in April, admitted to submitting fraudulent court documents to the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office.

In June 2022, Blakley-Whaley had consented to a Warrant of Eviction from her residence, which was stayed until October 31, 2022, by the Suffolk County District Court. However, between November 1, 2022, and March 30, 2023, Blakley-Whaley filed six forged orders, falsely claiming that the eviction had been further stayed by the court.

The fraudulent documents purportedly issued by the Suffolk County District Court were submitted to the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office to delay the eviction process. This was not Blakley-Whaley’s first encounter with the law; she had previously pleaded guilty to Grand Larceny in the Second Degree in January 2022 and was serving a three-year probation sentence at the time of her latest offense, thus violating her probation terms.

The judge handed down the one-year jail sentence on July 8th.