Man Who Shot SCPD Officer Sentenced to 25 Years to Life for Attempted Murder

A Coram man has been sentenced to 25 years to life in prison following his guilty plea to charges of Attempted Aggravated Murder and Robbery in the First Degree, stemming from two separate incidents, including the shooting of a Suffolk County police officer in May 2023.

Read our original story here.

Janell Funderburke, 21, arranged to meet two women near his residence on Homestead Drive in Coram on May 8, 2023. An argument quickly escalated, leading Funderburke to point a black firearm at the women, threatening to shoot one of them before stealing her money. The women reported the robbery to the police, initiating a search for Funderburke.

Three days later, on May 11, Suffolk County Police Officer Michael Lafauci was conducting surveillance related to the robbery when he spotted Funderburke walking southbound on Homestead Drive. As Officer Lafauci exited his unmarked vehicle and identified himself, Funderburke fled. During the pursuit, Funderburke turned and fired twice at Officer Lafauci, striking him in the upper right thigh. Despite his injury, Officer Lafauci received immediate aid from nearby officers and was rushed to Stony Brook University Hospital for emergency surgery.

A subsequent search of Funderburke’s residence uncovered a loaded 9mm semiautomatic pistol, fentanyl, and carisoprodol. Ballistic tests confirmed the pistol was the same weapon used in the shooting.

On June 3, 2024, Funderburke pleaded guilty to Attempted Aggravated Murder and Robbery in the First Degree. He was sentenced on July 11, 2024, by Acting Supreme Court Justice Anthony S. Senft, Jr. to 25 years to life in prison.

“This sentence reflects the gravity of the defendant’s actions,” said Suffolk County District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney. “While we are thankful Officer Lafauci survived, this case is a reminder of the dangers and risks members of law enforcement face daily. In Suffolk County, we appreciate and support our law enforcement officers. If you seek to injure a police officer while in the performance of his or her duties, we will pursue you with the full force of the law.”