Audrey Chin Facebook Page Keeps Memory of Missing Nassau County Woman Alive, And Hope

A Facebook page dedicated to the case of Audrey Chin, a young girl from Nassau County who disappeared without a trace in 1981, is keeping her memory alive. The page titled, Audrey Chin Never Forget – Never Give Up, seems to have been started in 2015 with a handful of updates. Recently the page was more active when Newsday did a story about Audrey Chin after Nassau Police re-examined her case.

An old newspaper clipping on the Facebook group page showed an original report when Chin went missing.

“Nassau police have broadcast a nationwide alert for a young woman who disappeared July 7 after telling her mother she was going to a nearby supermarket to buy orange juice,” the newspaper report sys. “Audrey Chin, 20, of 33 Ross Lane, drove off in her mother’s car and has not been seen since. Ms. Chin—who is 4 feet, 9 inches tall, weighs 95 pounds and has brown eyes and black hair-had been attending night classes at the State Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale, hoping to become a nurse, and working as a typist for Thiel Technical Services Inc., a Hicksville firm that prepares Defense Department manuals.”

Photo: Facebook.

The day before she disappeared, Chin cut her finger at work, fainted and bumped the back of her head. She was examined at a hospital and released.

Cover photo: A picture of Audrey Chin (center) that was posted to the Facebook group page Audrey Chin Never Forget – Never Give Up.