Man Sentenced to 32 Years for Horrific Assault in Ronkonkoma Hotel

Johnathan Wright was found guilty after a jury trial for repeatedly burning two women with a hot iron in 2021.

In a case that shocked Suffolk County, Johnathan Wright, 34, of Lindenhurst, was sentenced to 32 ½ to 40 years in prison after being found guilty of assault, witness tampering, and other related charges. The sentence, handed down by Supreme Court Justice Richard Ambro, also includes five years of post-release supervision.

Wright’s crimes date back to July 2021 when he brutally attacked two women in a Ronkonkoma hotel room. The jury heard how he burned the women repeatedly with a hot clothing iron, forbidding them from seeking medical attention afterward. He also attempted to coerce one of the victims into recanting her story to the police after his arrest.

During the trial, District Attorney Ray Tierney emphasized the severity of Wright’s actions, stating.

“Justice has been served today, but our support for these victims does not end here,” he said.

He pledged ongoing advocacy for the victims, ensuring they receive the necessary resources and that their voices are heard.

The court proceedings revealed horrifying details of the assault. Wright, enraged because the women fell asleep while giving him a back massage, physically attacked them, choking and punching them before tying them up with a belt. He then used a hot clothing iron on their skin for several hours, threatening them with worse if they made any noise.

Even more disturbing was Wright’s refusal to allow the victims to seek medical treatment for their burns or report the assault to the police for weeks. He even went as far as trying to treat their injuries himself, using paper towels.

After Wright’s arrest in August 2021, the situation escalated. From his jail cell, he made repeated calls to the victims, violating court orders of protection. During these calls, he attempted to bribe one victim into changing her statement to the police and threatened violence against both victims and their families if they cooperated with law enforcement.

Wright’s conviction on 46 charges, including assault, endangering the welfare of a disabled person, witness tampering, bribery, and contempt, culminated in his lengthy prison sentence. The case was prosecuted by former Assistant District Attorney Anne E. Oh and Jonathan Cappiello, with Detective Timothy Cohen and Kathleen Aspromgos leading the investigation.

This verdict sends a clear message that such heinous acts will not be tolerated, and perpetrators will face severe consequences for their actions.